
You are here: Beginners Course \ Collaborate

🤗Meet your Friends!

When you work in the same Google Sheet, Slide, or Document, you may see where your peer's cursor is.

Here're a few tips for you:


Share Spreadsheet with anyone by their email.

Click [Share] & try the gear ⚙️ to see advanced security options.


Select a cell & use [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[M] to create a comment inside a cell.

Add @ in the comment & add email address to send notification

Use Comment Icon near the |Sheet name| to see all comments


During a meeting, use [Ctrl] + Mouse wheel 🎡 on the top of Sheet's screen to ZOOM fast.

Press [F11] to use FullScreen Browser mode. This will let you show more info on screen.

Zoom/Meet? Or Mobile + Sheet? Make a usual phone call and enter the same Sheet in case of a slow internet connection.


During demonstration click the user's avatar 🤓 to see where their cursor is.


Use Filter Views...

The great power of Spreadsheets is filtering. You need to see part of your data on screen at a time. The old way to do that was a regular filter. Now we have a better thing — filter views:

As the interface may change, the best way to learn it is through the official guide. Please learn more on how to create a Filter View here:

And see my sample Filter View:

That's all we wanted to show for beginners. Sheets have a lot more fun: formulas, formats, scripts, add-ons, etc. If you want to learn that, you're not a beginner anymore. At this step, your next level is:

Level 4. 🌟 Super-Star

What's next: